$47.00 USD

The What, the Why and the How of Gamification

Making your educational material more engaging and motivating for better learning outcomes is essential in this crowded online world. But what is education, why do we need it and how do we start to implement it? This workshop helps you gain a better understanding of the benefits of gamification.

What you'll get:

  • What is Gamification? 
    Let's dispel some myths and take a look at what gamification really is, yes it does include badges, points and certificates;  but what else is involved?

  • How do you know what suits your audience?
    Gamification strategies are audience specific, so how do we identify what our audience type is and which strategies fit them?

  • Setting Objectives!
    Objectives? Yes, as we said, there's more to this than badges and certificates, we need to think about what objective the gamification strategy is ticking!

  •  Gamification Branding
    What? Gamification needs its own brand? Oh Yes! It's not always appropriate to use our biz branding for our gamification, I'll explain why! 

  • A Better Understanding of Gamification
    By the end of this mini course you'll have a much greater understanding of what gamification actually is so you can decide if you need it in your business!

If you're considering adding gamification to your course it's vital you understand the theory behind what you implement so you're not spending your time and wasting money on strategies or processes that don't work for your audience.

This mini course gives you the overview you need to make a decision so you can invest your time and money wisely.